Playtime Is the -ISD take?

: It depends on the player style. 10 hours, or more than 2 hours.

- What round thing floating?

: Hear a piece of data and voice attacks do have a slight impact on the ending.

(Related note) - is can I do to get where?

: Although quite a few guides to penile shape of each object, if you want to know, please contact the author.
It also encourages the best to receive a reply by e-mail quickly. ( and does not respond to such non-yen-mail review request, the key question)

- Is there a puzzle mean?

: ... There is not. The doll also has a tremendous sense eopgoyo oi @ @ you give up or unwinding with a clear upgrade page or K or F, and it makes no difference that directly solve the puzzle. The former sireoyo puzzle.

- Do you think that you want to add another language?

: 마음은 있지만 현재로서는 비용이나 폰트 문제로 어려울 것 같습니다.

-스토리 모드에는 엔딩이 몇 개 있나요?

: 엔딩 4개가 있고 하나는 다른 엔딩과 함께 볼 수도 있습니다.

-특정 맵 진행에서 막혔는데 어떻게 진행하죠?

: 노트에 힌트가 있습니다. …………만일 계속 막힌다면 Shift키를 누르고 이동하세요 (<오토 대시 옵션이 ON인 경우)

-동전은 어디에 쓰죠?

: 스킬 자체가 무작위함을 노린 것이기 때문에 지금은 아무 기능이 없습니다.


ISD P1_1


ISD P1_2


ISD P1_3


ISD P1_4


ISD P2_1


ISD P2_2


ISD P3_1


ISD P3_2


ISD P Last1


ISD P Last2