ISD Development Status (31/05/17)

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- approximately 3.2 to radeunga main story is ambassadors text seems to have been completed.
Ah… I do not like English:) <<

- The map began last month has been completed to the background. Variation is also one job haedu events, but I have not yet put the state. As the map size is greater feeling quite it took time.


- Another map Hospital.
이런저런 아이디어가 있지만…들어올 때마다 방의 수가 달라진다거나 들어가는 방의 가구 배치에 약간씩 랜덤요소가 들어간다거나…이전에 언급했던 악취미스러운 이벤트라든가 이것저것 들어갈 예정입니다. 현재는 이정도의 베이스만 구현된 상태.

(Trapped in the elevator or I could also happen that situation)

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